Wednesday, January 25, 2017

asthma medications are safe for pregnant women


♫ i wanna hold your hand, wanna hold ♫ wanna hold your hand, i wanna hold you ♫ i wanna hold you, i wanna hold you ♫ i wanna hold you, iwanna hold your hand ♫ - good morning! lioness... here. i took my weave off. (laughs) my wig off. just lettin' my hair breathe today. samia!

oh samia! - yeah? - come here! you wanna open your presents? - no. - why not? come here, girl! you need to open all your presents that you got for your birthday, you still haven't opened them yet! oh, samia!

- mia (mumbles) - why you touchin' the tripod? she has a fascinationwith tripods, cameras, phones, remotes, any electronics. and guess what y'all, whoo! lordness. you see these gifts here, these presents? we still have more downstairs. samia. (boing)- you gon' learn today!

(laughs) you have to learn, do not touch that. oh, daddy! - don't mind me i'm just bein' hollywood. - hey daddy! - (makes duck quack) yeah baby-- - that stupid duck'snoise, it's so annoying. - [samia] daddy!- [adam] oh, yeah. why you hatin' though, youalways hatin' on us, the twinies.

- no, no, i'm hatin' onyou cuh, not my daughter, not my daughter. - she be hatin' on yo'hairdo, don't hate on her. - oh, please. why, 'cause i'm natural? (cries)afro-centric? - now you wanna claim natural-- - you got a problem withthe natural chicks, eh? - now you wanna be with the-- - you've got a problemwith the natural chicks?

- now you wanna be part of the movement. get the hell outta here,you been rockin' horse hair and indian hair and deadpeople hair all these years. - the movement. the movement. - keep rockin' that natural, you feel it. - i been this, i'm in yo' crew! - alright babe we got a bunchof gifts, let's get rollin'. - [latoya] samia, come!- [samia] (mumbles)

- adam, move. - why you sittin' on me,do i look like a chair? - yeah. - i'm done bein' a chair,when i start bein' a chair freakin' babies start popping out. fudge. an impeccable pull-out game now, geez. - you wish you did. - they be clownin' the kid.

but i guarantee she gon' getscared of this, baby look! (moans)- she's not scared of it! - (groans) ah! - why you tryna scare herwith the owl. is this an owl? - woof woof woof woof woof! woof! - [latoya] (rolls tongue)- [adam] woof woof! woof woof. woof. woof woof. - [samia] (mumbles)- [adam] hello samia. come back.

- go open your gifts. - she listens to the kid. - oh, i bet this is from amanda. - [adam] yeah.- [latoya] ha! i knew it. this is from amanda anduncle afla, thank you! (gasps) oh, samia! - [adam] hello!- [latoya] samia! - [adam] i am your new friend.- [latoya] ooh! - ain't nobody gonnasave you today. (laughs)

- she's not scared. - she was way too-- - why you scarin' her oh my-- - oh my god that looks likea voodoo doll from zimbabwe. you see these kinda dollswith these kinda eyes. - this is so scary for him. - she's like "nah, none of that." hands out and everything. - hell nah.

but it came with a cute little outfit. you can change a voodoo doll. (laughs) that's so rude towhoever got this for her. - thank you guys. - no we're joking. - it says from... - oh! okay this is from zico. zico, thank you zico for a voodoo doll. - [adam] oh it's from zico?- [latoya] yeah.

- but zico didn't evencome to the birthday party. - uncle zico. date of birth. (laughs) - zico, she's not born october 10th. good job on the effort. - hey! thank you uncle z. - zico's the man. - i'm so happy we'regetting stuff like clothes and not so much toys. oh here look! this is from...

maya! thank you. - (mumbles) - are you gonna open yourpresents with mommy and daddy? - oh, lord. are you my mother? is you my momma? - yeah i wrote thisbook, are you my mother? - is you my momma?

no, it shoulda been calledare you my baby's daddy? - pretty sure we're gonnahave another sister for samia. - what, do you think that? you think so? - hell yeah. - ow! you poked me inthe freakin' eye ball. so you think i'm gonna have a girl. - yep. what do you guys think? - yeah, huntys, huncles,what do y'all think? - you guys think it'sgonna be a perfect thing,

it's gonna be a boy. i'm here to spoil it for you, my prediction it's gonna be another girl. - and if it's a boy then what? - then i should do somethingfor the huntys and huncles. - okay, then what are you gonna do? - we'll let them comment on that. - so if it is a boy, whatdo y'all want adam to do? comment below.

- you should tell themhow many months you are. - oh, y'all! i'm three months, y'all. - three months, it'snot like she two weeks, she three months. - three months, man. i'm 13 weeks. - geez. - where's the next gift? - you think cards willever go out of fashion? - never.

- and this card is from... nobody. see i told you. - what do you mean it's from nobody? there's no name on the card? oh my gosh there's noname on the card y'all. - see that's the problemwith the new world, no one got time to write. this is a... - oh my god that's from youruncle jackie, i knew it!

a leapfrog! woo hoo! lookat samia, look at samia. - a leapfrog? and it has wi-fi too. - hey! - we're not promoting this bythe way, i don't even know-- - clearly it was a gift,what are you talking about? leappad, not even theleapfrog. the leappad, yo. - platinum! - i don't even know (mumbles) - thank you uncle jackieand auntie kim, and ethan!

- yes, ethan. the mostspoiled kid on the planet. - that he is. just like samia. (laughs) - ethan can get anything he wants. - anything! - uncle jackie and auntie kimused to spoil me growing up. what ever happened to that? what ever happened to five hundred dollars on christmas morning? - you got crusty.

- okay, so open the rest of the presents. hey! - oh my god. a hundred more gifts. - i know. (laughs) this kid is so spoiled. - blessed, that's all that matters. - yeah, we're blessed. thank you so much. our family, they're the greatest. our friends are amazing.

our huntys and huncles are so supportive. they also sent giftsand letters in the mail as well so thank y'all so much. - i haven't even gone to the p.o. box. - i went the other day andwe got gifts sent for samia. so yeah, thank you. i'm suresamia will appreciate it once she understands andshe watches the videos. she'll be like "oh mygosh, everybody loves me!" - yes, her first birthdaywas definitely memorable.

- yeah, and that's the onlybirthday she gettin' until 16. anyways, what do you want todo for the rest of the day? make another baby? (laughs) hi. i'm pregnant. again. i got pregnant before samia turned one. hi bug! mommy's here trying to figure out how the heck does shehave a baby in her belly?

i mean, i know how, but. i guess the pull-out game... wasn't on fleek this time. and it's so funny because whenever i wanna get my life together, this happens. i swear to god, like last year. you know me, i wasworking out, eatin' right. and then god said "nope! i'mgettin' yo butt pregnant." so maybe it wasn't meant to be.

maybe i wasn't meant to have abs and biceps, tricep muscles,calve muscles, thigh muscles. wow, there's gonna be another baby. (dramatic music) it was so hard holding this infrom y'all this entire time. but you know what the doctors say, you're not really supposed to tell people before the three month mark,before your first trimester. because you know youcan have a miscarriage,

or something can happen to the baby. so i wanted to stay on thesafe side, so i'm sorry y'all. i can only deal with one samia. one baby crying hysterically. now i'm gonna have two. (cries) oh my gosh, mommy's gonna crywith you, let's cry together. wah! (cries) just kidding. babies are blessings,blah blah blah. (mumbles)

i'm gonna show the huntys and huncles your baby brother or sister! so here's the front view.this is a 13 week baby bump. why is my belly so huge right now? it is so big! my belly is the size ofaunt ana's belly, bruh. and she's, what, seven months homie? i look seven months, cuh! this baby gon' be big, cuh.

am i giving birth to a whale, my ninja? are we doin' this journey again y'all? can we do it again? i meanwe have to do it again. y'all gon' be with me,y'all gon' be by my side because y'all know how it was when i was pregnant with samia. i was a crazy... bitch. this pregnancy is totally different y'all.

okay so remember lastyear i developed asthma? so this year my allergies... are so disgusting. my nose gets so clogged up to the point where i cannot breathe. i feel so weak andsometimes i get the chills. so i get really cold, or iget really dripping wet hot. and so i sweat in my sleep. my allergies, they're themost annoying thing ever.

it's so embarrassingbecause i just pick my nose in front of random people all the time, sneezing all over the place. i have to potty every two minutes. first trimester when iwas pregnant with samia was a lot easier than this time around. so yeah we'll talk moreabout the pregnancies and my birth plan andall that kinda stuff. i still have a lot of time,i'm due in freakin' april, bro.

april sounds so far away right now. so yeah. i'm about tojust hang out with samia. i kept her home from day care today because i just felt like. i just wanna spend time with my bug. i've been super clingy lately. i don't know, maybe i feel bad that-- no no! that i'm having a baby so soon. and she's like, she just turned one.

i just don't want her to feel like i'm going to ever replace her. oh my god i'm gonna cry. (laughs) mommy loves you, kay?you're mommy's princess. - alright huntys and huncles, i'm finally getting my basement finished. i'm getting a drywall ceilingand i'm so excited about it. so our ceiling is goingto be a lot higher. i'm also creating an office down here,

so i'm gonna have my ownpersonal, all white office. i'm so excited about it. and then i am gonna put two french doors. two cute french doors... right over here. and then i'm gonna probablyput a desk back here, i'll also have a selfie mirror, and probably bookshelves-- - (laughs) and all that good stuff.

and we'll have a play area for samia and i probably wanna dosomething nice for adam. probably do like a little bar area even though he doesn't drink, but you know our friends.drink apple juice, that is. and have a little man cave area for him. can't get a whole mancave, he can get like somethin' like it, butnot the whole thing. gotta be open so icould see his every move

like what the hell he watchin' on tv. i'm not sure what color iwanna paint this area here, but i cannot stand thecolor that it is right now. or maybe i couldn't stand it because of the lighting we had in before, but i'll probably get led lights just to really brighten everything up, and i just want it tofeel like a living area, a living space.

my brother-in-law and mybrother, they're staying here. so i'll probably have alittle sleeping area for them. though their sleeping area would be... you see underneath them steps? (laughs) i didn't need them blood claps! (laughs) i'm just kidding. they can sleep whereverthe heck they want. so that is what we'reworking on right now. it's so expensive, but it needsto get done right now missy.

miss-hea put every penny for this man. (hip-hop music) i can finally, finally talkabout this pregnancy on camera - [dominique] finally!- [latoya] and just be myself! - geez, i'm so excited'cause now i don't have to watch what i say. - i know. - 'cause i've been doing that. - we would have to cut parts out.

like "you idiot, not supposedto say i'm pregnant." - [latoya] dumbass.- [dominique] (laughs) - look at me. - i don't like touchingbellies, though, but. - what do you mean? - i just feel like it feels weird. - we need a nickname! - not niglet or whatever. - niglet? (laughs)

- not that. - hi delaila! - hey boo! - yo you look like one ofthose jamaican man, eh? with that leather hat, "yo i go (mumbles)" now that i announced mypregnancy i look and feel fat. here we go. - you don't look fat yet. you're still smaller thanme. that's really bad.

- so someone-- - i'm getting braces onfriday, guys. so no more gap. - let me see your teeth. - no! i'm not-- - why you ashamed to show meyour teeth out of all people. - you know when you have an insecurity and you don't want people staring? even though now-- - so you're insecure about your teeth?

- yes. - you know i'm insecure about my fingers because they're so wrinkly,i have grandma hands. - are you kidding me? who is ever insecure about their fingers? - because you have sexy ass long hands! mine are like 50 year old fingers, man! - you're killin' me right now. - man you know it, that's whyyou're like "oh, that bitch."

- so i'm fixing my teeth. - don't-- - as all of you whack ass people that have ever talkedabout my teeth, guess what? i'm fixin' it. - could you stop? you're beautiful, you don't have to speak like this. - no 'cause now everybody'sgonna be watching. - oh my god we're twins look.

- we are twins! - i'm the skinnier version, for now. - for now. i'ma hollaat you in four months. and then i'll be happy. - after we announced this whole pregnancy my stomach grew like four sizes. - yeah 'cause it wasn'tthis big yesterday. - no. it's crazy. - it looks good. she looks cute.

you're a cute pregnant person. - thank you. i need my wig. i don't feel comfortable. - why do you need your wig? - i don't feel confident. - you have such beautiful hair. - i just washed my hairand i don't like it. - look how beautiful, and so soft. - it's still wet. why's it still wet?

i'm air drying it. - i'm gonna get a weave though, for real. but some clip-in ones. - i don't know why that's hilarious-- - i'm gonna put clip-ins in my hair. - the same girl thatlikes to make fun of me, she hates people. what? - i know, i know. buti'm gonna get clip-ins. - oh my god feel this.

- how long? - long. - your hair is so nice latoya. - [latoya] is it?- [dominique] yes! - okay no my hair's actuallylike this rug right here. - no but seriously, there wassomething i was going to say and now you made me forget. - latoya's rude, yo. - i know!

- oh my god. - yo remember the dayyou were doing her hair and i was so nervous? 'member when you were doingher hair i was so nervous, and it actually came out good. - it did. so anyways i might go blonde. - yeah we're going blonde. - both of you?

- huntys, huncles, i thinki'm gonna dye my actual-- - thumbs up, or thumbs down? - wait, my hair is going blonde. - no, your weave is going blonde. - no you're not doing yourreal hair. you're not dying it. - i don't care about this-- - you're not dying yourhair blonde, i don't care. that's ridiculous. - so dye my weave? dye my wig?

- yeah, dye your wig. oh my gosh i should dye one green. - you wanna just go? you need a change. - guys, i'm gonna just wear a weave. that's gonna be my change,it's gonna be long, all the way down to my back. - what color? - same color. i'm just gonnakeep everything the same. - you need to do the blonde.

- i'm not doing-- - i wanna be twins. like official. - let's go buy the same wig. - want to? - and then do a photo shoot,and we'll look the exact same. okay. - but promise you'llwear the wig every day? - no, i'm not wearing the wig every day. - but i'm having a baby way too soon.

i feel bad. - why? - 'cause samia, that's my bug. - don't worry, she'll still be spoiled. - will she? - yes. she'll still be-- - how do you treat kids equally? - you just have to. (laughs) they're gonna have to learn to share.

i hope she gets a boy. another samia would be cute though. - so i need a boy, boy's names. s names. - why s? - because, samia, andthen s. i want s. s's. adam, all the kids in hisfamily: adam, aaron, amina. - oh okay so you wanna do the same thing. - okay, so guys comment s names and-- - don't say sebastian,i don't like that name.

don't say samuel, no. - oh no, no. - i think of baby sammi. - no stephen, no. none of that. - i don't even know anys names but good luck. - i hope my huntys andhuncles are out there name searching for snames for girls and boys. okay, samia's up. - hi baby!

- so for all of you guys,i'm just going to tell them because everybody waswondering why i wasn't there. so the reason i wasn'tat sammi's birthday party was because i had a wedding to go to, so we're going to open the gift i got her. - (both) yay! - (gasps) ooh! - watch somebody elseget her the same gift. - you're gonna be so mad.

- (gasps) oh, what is this! - ooh la la! - okay, so this is veryeducational so we gotta teach her. oh my goodness. - let me see it real quick? - it's to teach her shapes and colors, but she gets to pull it. - that is so cool. - look, it's like she's walking her dog!

- oh my god, yeah that'seducational. i like that. - shapes are in here.she has to put shapes, learn this is a circle, so inorder for her to get it in, she has to pick the rightshapes and get it in. - i learned something! - and you're gonna be pulling this! - and you're gonna pull the caterpillar! what is this a caterpillar? - i don't know.

- it looks like a slug. a snail. it's a snail! - wow, you said caterpillar,i said i dunno, slug. - slug and snail. - and then i'll say you knowwhat my requirements was for the girl, i was like "isit anything she's gonna eat? "because this child loves to eat." she's like "no, she can'tput that in her mouth, "it's too big."

- thank you auntie dom! - thank you. - [all] oh! - you're welcome baby! - good girl! (pop music) - so sammi's about to go to bed, but i wanted to try diva on her because she has some plump lips.

- yo why are her lips so full? - no! - no? you don't wannalook cute before bed? - you are so cute girlfriend. - no you can't eat the lipstick! - are we forcing you to wear lipstick? - we're like a pageant mom. you know those pageant moms? - what's it called again?

how do kids something. - look, you look beautiful! - say "smile!" - smile! - look how cute she looks! look at those nice lips. they're so full. and her eyelashes are so long too. - on fleek. are you fleeked out?

- yeah! - yes? - say "bye everybody!" - say goodnight! - she's outta here. - no no no! the night is inyour bed with your big bam bam. - come back here, you have to go to bed. - come here east african booty! - thank you so much for watching today's

vlog huntys and huncles. don't forget to subscribe andi'll y'all on monday, hey! ♫ don't want nobody, don't need nobody ♫ she don't want nobody but me, ♫ she don't want nobody but me. ♫ don't want nobody, she don't need nobody ♫ she don't want nobody but me. ♫

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