there is the mountainbhadragiri, it is iike ayodhya for andhraites, no sage iike vaimikimentioned about it, this piace became famousas south saketapuri, the great devotee bhadra beggedsitaram to appear to him again, he observed severe penance, bhadra requested him to appear intreta yug as rama, to fuifiii his promise lordvishnu took birth on the earth,,, who married the daughter ofmother earth,
accompanied by his divine sheii,and the discus on either side,,, with bow and arrow, aiong with sitaand lakshman he appeared to bhadra, devotee bhadra requested vishnuthat he turn him into a mountain,,, ,,, and vishnu in his reincarnationas rama shouid dweii on its peak, o god vishnu i payobeisance to you who biessed me with yourgracious appearance with your consort janaki (lakshmi)and hoiding the divine bow and arrow, adorned by divine weapons, the sheiiand the discus on either side and the adi seshu asshouider ornament
accompanied by brother lakshman, which is iike ayodhya for andhraites, we are dead tired. how long dowe walk in the jungle? my lord rama told me thathe is here and l should find him. told me in my dream to lighta diya and offer him holy food. he told you so in your dream!l will kill you with this. how can something saidin a dream materialize? my rama won't lie even in dream. search will sure find him.
you are too devoted.don't get carried away in it. you treat us with your herbalmedicines wheneverthe need arises. today she says it is ram.tomorrow, something else. don't take her words seriously.let's go back. o lord rama, mother sita,lakshmana, are you hiding in ant hill? rama, your life is full of hardships. you were born, soon wentto forest, lost your wife. lead a tough life.why did you, again, hide here?
why did you get caughtby me, an old woman! l can hardly do anything foryou. who will look afteryou? who will build a temple foryou? ...and take care of you? gopanna, you have come in timeto save the idol from falling. ldols are glowing! so, carry these idols carefully. hey, parrot, stop there.
where are you? flower, when will mygopanna come? parrot, my gopanna hasnot come yet. hey, parrot, cousin, l want that parrot. l cannot leave with yousitting on me. greetings to birthday girl. may l give you a giftwhich both of us can have? what is that?
lt is so cute! bring it tohome in a cage to play. singanna, announce in thevillage that, on the eve of... .. ramanavami celebrations,we will feed the entire village. ls it okay?- okay. o god! feeding an entire villageis not easy. lt costs a lot. recently you had distributedall the grains to them... .. in the name of drought. we will be on the roads soonif you continue such things. you tell him, gopanna.- okay. mother.
mother .. l've a doubt to clear.-what's it? how could l breathe whenyou were pregnant and carrying me? that is what is god's miracle. l see! l heard that frogs liveenclosed in huge boulders. true? - true. what about food forthem?- of course, it is god. when he can performsuch miracles,... ... won't he provide for us ifwe become poor by charity work? l got what you mean. l'll send necessary groceriesas yourfather wants.
send chandrayya.- okay, mother. gopanna, here isthe cage you wanted. lt is nice. o parrot,it is foryou. what is the news from the village?- may l tell you, gurrugaru? why do you call me so?- because you are always snoring. l'll break your head rascals.siddhu, what's the news? your brother-in-law, withgrand ramanavami celebtations is going to turn our village,nelakondapalli like ayodhya. l want you to talk about me,the great learned man.
not about my brother-in-law. about you...may l tell you? you are making mockeryof the village. who said so? l'll stabhim with a cane to... greetings, brother-in-law. greetings... whatever my brother sayssounds like poetry. my brother is likeparamanandayya. l hate that comparison.
l like comparison to kingbhojaraju who is a learned man. comparing to a gluttonwould be appropriate. l'll break your headyou, rascal. get lost. brother-in-law, where ismy niece? niece!you ugly looking fellow! hello, sister-in-law.hasn't our son-in-law, gopanna come? our son is gopi and your daughteris rukmani. he is coming. enough of daughter is endowed.. .. with many good qualities.
l'll get her marriedto a revenue officer. will you please... brother, even kids pay noattention to what he talks. you please come and have snacks. go. snacks are okay but don'tplan for wedding reception. gopanna and our kamalalook made for each other. shut up elsel'll stuff it in your mouth. greetings to wouldbe father-in-law. nonsense. anyway, why isthis parrot here?
today is kamala's birthday.l brought it as a gift for her, uncle. the parrot is cute. kamala is playingin the backyard. go and give it.- l'll. -wait. wait. why are you givingthe parrot as gift? because gifting ratwon't be nice. lf you want to challenge me with words,... ... show your knowledge in it.
okay. here is the riddle. what are you, to anewly born baby of... ..yourfather's daughter-in-law'sbrother's, son's, would be wife? what! what!! here l repeat... he cannot answer?- he will answer. gopanna marries kamala. lf he fails?- our kamala marries gopanna. you cannot. - of course l can.-you can what? - riddle.
today l'll explain weddingof rukmani. show it to us, fast.- be patient. he is krishna. she is rukmani devi. she fell in love with him. rukmani asked krishnato come. he came. he was taking away rukmani.sishupal obstructed them. l think my blouse knot got loose.tie it. he shaved off rukmi's headand beard.
before your blouseknot came off. where are my friends?- gone. -when? before l tied the knotof your blouse. get lost. - did you call mehere to send me off? this isn't like a cagebut like a dome. lt represents our love. he is the father l raked my brain butcouldn't solve it. no! should l solve it?
let's see.- okay. who is yourfather'sdaughter-in-law? - my wife. l know. grandfather. that's it, uncle. as per our bet... - get kamalaand gopanna married. no way. my would be son-in-law,revenue officer will arrive anytime. father, stop the cart.-why? hey, girl... wait.are you married? not yet.
lt was a hard slap, father. mother... -we have cometo see an alliance. now you know. get in.we are getting late. - okay. yes. they have come and restingin the guest house. brother-in-law, we decidedwhen kamala was born that.. now l don't think so. shut up. l cannot give my girlin a poorfamily. they spent away everything in thename of charity and devotion. for relationship, friendship or evenfight, equal status is necessary.
l won't marry off my daughterinto a poorfamily. you may leave. cousin... who broke the bow oflord shiva? srirama. what do you mean? my father is gettingme married elsewhere. lf you don't come, change hismind and marry me... which god blessed by birth?- our village god, lord krishna.
so, he will sure seethat we marry. okay? tell them about me. oh, l forgot. he is ourfamily priest, pingali. his word is an orderfor us. he is a master in astrology. what is your name? pronounciation is wrong.let me pinch you hard. say, shasha bisha shastri. l told him to say.let me pinch you hard.
you called me, an ugly fellow!! you glare at me!of course you are ugly not me. anyway, why do youneed my horoscope? l mean, your daughter's.- lt is in that plate. sit down now.pick it up. you are too much. how is my son-in-law,the would be revenue officer? shut up, you fools. don't bother. he makes such noisewhile reading horoscopes.
mother, ask the bride to come fast.l'm eagerto see her. father, kamala is likean orange fruit. her cheeks are round. you may ask questionsher if you have any. first question is... l want to ask few questions.come this way. we have to change withthe changing times. come. the parrot is cute.ask your questions fast. who came to ashokvan for sita?- ravan.
what did he say?- that he wants to marry her. what did sita say? she showed him a strand of grasswhich meant he is worthless. are you teasing me! what did she say? nothing. showed her skill in direction.-what do you mean? tell us what she showed you.-a strand of grass. how do you find their horoscopes?- totally opposite.
l don't know what to answer. should l tell you the fact?- of course, yes. your entire family is goingthrough a bad phase. never mind. l'll perform ritesto do away with it. and get her married to him only. good. let me congratulate you.that is the spirit. lf you too are bravel'll tell you something. lt's okay with us.we are ready forthe wedding. that's the spirit.
lt says that whoever marriesher will undergo imprisonment. lmprisonment!! let's get up. please don't do it. mother, father, let's go. please, don't ruin mydaughter's life. you mean, we ruin ourson's life? wife, let's go. brother-in-law... we are finished.
now my daughter cannever be married. please calm down. uncle, whetheryou agree ornot kamala would be my wife. no, cousin. l don't get intotroubles because of me. foryou, l'm readyeven to go to heaven. nephew..- uncle, what's this! l request you to give herhand in marriage to my son. brother, say yes to engagement.-yes. here came the coachfrom golkonda.
akkanna and madanna have come. aren't they gopanna'smaternal uncles? -yes. greetings, brother-in-law.was the journey comfortable? i dream enough of separation i iove to hear you say so these moments areprecious to us we never experiencedsuch pieasure before, don't take my invitation iightiy
these sweets are iike piiisto intensify our romance these beds are gateway to heaven these bodies are instrumentai,,, ,,,in cuimination of our joy my body knows no tirednessdon't stop me that's enough, wife, what is yourparrot saying? husband, l've a doubt.-what's it? a male parrot is called'ramachiluka'. -yes.
then, what is a femaleparrot called? how about calling it'sitachiluka'? very nice! l want to unitethis parrot with it's mate. you are my brothers, but arelike my fatherto me. his charity work made us poor. we have nothing lefteven to prepare holy food. you are holding high postsin the court of tanisha (king) please help gopanna get a job. we have already tooka decision about it.
we will take gopanna withus and get him a job, okay? okay, uncle. l'm not god buta devotee of god. l'm not a king but a publicservant by god's grace.. you were supposed tointroduce your nephew to me. greetings o badusha (king) your uncles say you arewell liked by public. l want to hear what peoplethere feel about my rule? can l give an honest answer?
or lie to remain in yourgoodwill like your officers do? l commend your guts.tell me the truth. you must be aware that our regionwas hit by drought recently. l know. l presume thatyou know we had sent.. ... enough funds for relief. the king must realize thatyour duty doesn't end there. what!! explain clearly. get me an ice cube.l'll explain. who is there?
assume that this is thefund you had sent. now, pass it on to thenext person. - okay. by the time it reached theneedy people this is what happened tothe money you had sent. excellent! your nephewis great like you two. let's keep watch to preventsuch a thing in future. king, provide him someemployment. how can your ordernot be obeyed? hire him as revenue officerof hasnabad.
transfer him as the headof golkonda jail. come to me o my beauty. you are so beautiful. he is inside.-we are guards. what are you doing here? you send beautiful girlsto our officer. don't we look like men too,to you? - speak up, pandit. no. you don't. what about you?why did l ask you! my dear...- sir... sir...
l told you not to come inwhen l'm doing important work. what's the matter? new revenue officer is coming. what did you say!!new revenue officer! your brother-in-law hassent this himself. what!! you lost your post.-you... lt landed up in golkondaprison. what!!-your girl fell down.
never mind, my dear. l'll writethe golkonda fort in your name. l'll show what l can do. whoever is coming hereis going to die. ... my post as the revenueofficer of hasnabad. o river godavariwhy are you so turbuient? my ieft eye iid isfiuttering means,,,, good days are comingfor our god sitaram o river godavari,,, dancing of peacocks whose feathersadorn lord krishna's crest,,,
the joy of the jumpingsquirreis that heiped lord rama,,, the arrivai of goodtimes for lord rama sacred verses are sonice to hear! better is the new officer. we have not come to praisehim but to stab him. l'll stab him whenl find an opportunity. count your days you siton my chair. let me count the problemspeople here have first. you will be in trouble.l'll kill you.
stop. you should send off theex-officer with due respect. l'll show you what respect is. l'll go to golkonda, make mysister, the queen teach you a lesson. what! - this coach isn't for usbut forthe new officer. don't go behind the horses.they will kick you. lt is my personal experience.-you rogue... pantulu, l don't know whatyou do but you must... ... build a grave for him soon. we brahmins cremate thedead bodies.
keep them inside.- okay. what will we do with sucha huge house? we are only is all ours. l go in the morningand return by night. wonder what you will doin the meanwhile. l'll wait foryou likemother sita waited for rama. sir, troubles from head ofour village are increasing. okay l'll make enquires abouthim and take action. relax. load them into our vehicles.please, stop. - do it.
how do we survive? you are paying only half ofthe agreed money for 2 years. you die if you cannot pay up. before that we had know everything. l know. that is why l'mtaking what is available here. l'm taking away your daughteragainst your last year dues. pay up and take her back.put her on the cart. stop. what is this atrocity? sir, you have to saveme from these rogues.
how can you chain them andforce them to work? you gave them loans againstwhich you robbed everything they possessed,robbed the entire village. end of bonded labour. the farmer has the upper hand. the land belongs towhoever cultivates it. villagers who cultivate underthe agreement will own it. l'll prepare legal documentsto that effect. hail the revenue officer.
god knows nothing. what are you talkingto yourself? l feel like carrying you. why?- carrying you meanscarrying my baby. you know gopannais going to have a kid. kid will be born but won'thave father. - how come? l won't tell you but do it.what do you mean? madam, here, forthe celebrationof lighting lamps on 14th day of the month kartik, you areteaching girls to dance.
but things there are badwith master. he is roaming all overthe villages, jungles. here men are cruel likeanimals. you must warn him. no one can stop him fromdoing what he wants. bye, sir. gopanna, you will nevercome back. l love you.l'll fulfill your wishes. serve you pure honey. come. so, you are shurpanaka's sister.
o hoiy, aimighty,,,omnipresent, rama o rama who has seshu, thechief of serpents, as his bed o rama, who is worshipped bythe god brahma and other gods haii lord ramahaii sitarama o rama, who is servedby guha o rama, who has shabarias his great devotee o rama, who iives in theheart of hanuman o rama who is thelord of sita husband!.....
gopanna is not caught yet! mattesaab is angry thatl did nothing to gopanna. gopanna is angry that l couldn'tfind out who wants to kill him. what do l do? you are caught in thecross fire. - shut up. sir... -yes. - gopanna is goingto attend the office from tomorrow. look into this first. kamala, l'm going to office. you are going to office a longtime afterthe accident.
before that a visit to theold lady who saved your life... good that you reminded me.let's go together. come. rama, l've broughtfruits foryou. are you hungry, dear? eat. you old lady, you are feedingdefiled fruits to god! have you gone mad? she is not mad.she is deeply devoted. yes. devotee shabari testedthe fruits fortaste... before she offered to rama.
we called it great devotion.this woman is like that too. sorry. we shouldn'thave said it. don't just sit. he is therevenue officer of this district. grandma, we came to thankyou for saving my life. you are the revenue officer! sir, you are a righteousand a just officer. look at my lord rama. he appeared to me in my dream. asked me to worship him.
l am worried who willserve him after my death. l've to take care of my rama. because, this is the placewhere rama held court when... ... he came to jungles whenhe was exiled from ayodhya. close by is the placewhere sita and rama visited. come with me. l'll show you.- let's go, kamala. grandma, bring them backbefore the night fall. beware of insects too.let's leave. - come with me this is the cottage wheremy rama stayed,
here is the piacerama and sita spent time, this is where mother sitadried her saree this is the garmentrama had worn these are his hoiy foot prints these are the un-erasedmarks of the deer these are the stones wheremother sita appiied ,,turmeric and kumkum, it is here lakshman drew aiine for sita not to cross, here are the marksof abduction of sita by ravana,
this is the hoiy piacewhere rama waiked, distribute to all.- okay. what are you staring at? no? lt took me the wholenight to sign those papers. you haven't signed but wrote'srirama' on all of them. you are supposed to come formeals. why are you sitting here? l'm talking to you. oh! the cunning deer... my lord, look at thegolden deer.
lt is beautiful.- l want it to keep as pet. how can rama not fulfillyour wish? lakshmana, your brother seemsto be in trouble. go, see. mother, it's impossible thatmy valiant brother can have trouble. you refuse to go as yourintentions aren't good. lakshman is a noble man. lf he leaves you alone, youhave to go to lanka. don't do it. don't cross the line. saint, accept the alms.
don't you know the rule that... ... you have to walk up tome to go offer alms? don't look scared. l'm ravanathe great king of lanka. you... ravan.... rama is omnipresent he is our soui he had shown his supreme powerin many incarnations of his the sun, the moon, the starsthe gods are aii part of him aii the worids in theuniverse inciuding the bramha,
,,, the rivers, forests, animais,aii eiements and the hoiy scriptures,,, are aii part of him, rama, be kind to me. gracious god, l've searchedforyou in all the worlds. why did you go away from me? why are you living in jungle?why are you wearing jute clothes? you lived in the forestonce before with sita. lsn't that tough life enough? how did tretayug(eon treta)come in kaliyug(eon kali)?
this is the proof to the sayingthat for devotees sake... ... god changes even the destinywritten by the creator brahma. ln this holy bhadrachala region,a true devotee of rama... is going to build anincomparable temple for rama. yes, hanuman. ln future this isgoing to become a holy place. as a prelude, few remarkableevents are going to take place. l came down to earth to witnessthem personally. lt is a wonder! the real story behind theseoccurrences begins now.
my rama must be gettingwet on the hill. hanuman...-yes. - look there. look at her behaviourin utter devotion. welcome, sir.she has gone completely mad. says rama is gettingwet because... ... there is no temple for she removed her roof. she is sick by beingwet all the night. madam is going tonelakondapalli. arrange for palanquin.- okay.- hurry up.
bhadrayya, you need not comehere to work from tomorrow. l'll give you work in the office.go there. - okay, sir. you clean up the place,lock it up and give the keys inthe office. - okay. kamala, pack are going to native place. l told you l'll stayhere for delivery. lt's a big houseand we have many servants. l'm not going stay here. until l build a templefor lord rama
l plan to stay in thejungle under a tree. lt's a great decision.what's my leaving for... don't say a word more if youhave any respect for me. you are pregnant. cannot face thehardships of stay in the jungle. do as l say. to fuifii his father's wordrama got ready to go to jungie, sita got ready to go with him, rama toid her that she cannotface the hardships of iife in jumgie, sita asked rama how can he go awayfrom her, who is iike his shadow,
l'll stay whereveryou stayno matter how the life is. don't separate me from my god. kamala, l wish that l shouldbe born as your wife if l've ... rebirth and reciprocateyour devotion towards me. grandma, dammakka, god like our revenue officeris going away from here. all of you come here. greetings, sir. why did you come hereforegoing comfortable life!
this is our house untill build a temple for rama. stay here! she is pregnant too.this rain, cold... l heard that you removed your roofbecause rama has no shelter. he took this decision becauseof that. how can you stop him? my life is almost over. don'ttake me seriously. listen to me. l won't leave even if lord rama himselftells me until l build the temple. building the temple isn't costs lakhs of gold coins. money will come. - from where?who gives? people will give.
for rama the monkeys havebuilt a bridge across the ocean. similarly people will dothis noble job. they crib even to pay taxes.l don't think they will help. but l believe. l'll bring outthe piety in them. l'll beg from everyone andbuild the temple with that. we are with you, sir.-we too. let's all vow to do it bywearing yellow coloured clothes. hail sriram.- hail sriram. you are our protector
we seek your graciousnessbhadrachaia rama when do we be abie toconcentrate on prayers and chant your hoiy namewith totai devotion? o rama, beioved of sita when do we abie to chantyour hoiy name with devotion praise the lord krishnaof brindavan rama, you are gracious. enough money is collected forthe construction of the temple l pay obeisance to you.
your son is born at theauspicious time. our son is born at thebeginning of the noble deed. you spoke what is in my mind. move aside... so much money! nothing is impossibleif god is kind. out of this total collection,1,00,000 coins are towards taxes. ... build the temple, with theremaining 6,00,000 gold coins. what is this? nothing happened to him.
someone spit on his face.nothing happened to him. how much is it? more than 1,00,000.- o god! more than a 1,00,000! whatever above 1,00,000 is mine. okay. one lakh is.. look at the letter gopanahas sent first. - hold it. gopanna seekskings permission to... you want permission! he gets permission only ifthis letter reaches the king.
gopanna, l'll burn you and yournewly born baby like this. don't cry, dear... aiiah (o god),,, which god is gracious,divine and grants saivation? who is wise, nobie and kind? who is the most beautifuiand beioved of aii who eise but lord rama cherish the name 'rama'whichis a driving force for aii the lord, one of thetrimurthys
who is omnipotent who is omniscient whom the 7 worids worship who is gracious,and omniscient that is srirama cherish chanting the name srirama it wiii iead you throughout the iife you have enchanted us with yoursong in praise of rama. both of you are alike, whenit comes to devotion.
you have proved, with your song,that devotion knows no boundaries. you are...- l'm kabir a devotee of lord rama. l think you are a come you are devoted to rama? his grand father's nametoo was kabir. he became devotee of ramabecause of his grandfather. the five elements, the sky,earth, water, fire and the air... ... are above all racesand religions. lord is can man made obstacles... ... prevent us fromworship him?
l'm blessed by the visit of amagnanimous person like you. please come to my houseand bless it. kamala, please bring waterto washthe feet of this revered man. welcome. this is our house. house! this tree shade is our house.he resolved to stay here until... ... he builds the temple for god. lt's a great resolution. chanting the name of 'tarakarama'.would make all resolutions fruitful.
yes. lord shiva has initiated thissloka(hymn) to his consort parvati. l'll initiate it to you.your wish will surely be fulfilled. l'm blessed noble man, you have blessed me byinitiating with 'tarakamantra'. l'll teach it to all. l'll beginto write 'sriram' a crore times. you have collected huge amount.why didn't you begin construction? l've sent letterto the kingrequesting for his permission. l've not yet received permission. you don't need his permissionbut of lord rama's.
that is done long ago.don't delay a good deed. coming dasami is very auspiciousas perthe sage vashisht. lt is the best day to layfoundation forthe temple. what is best! my foot! because of that rama spent14 years in exile. anyway, how can a muslim fixauspicious day for ourtemple? why are you angry? answer my questionif you have guts. lf your answer is right,l'll shave of my hair and grow beard.
lf you cannot, you have to shaveoff your beard, grow hair like me. l think we are not worthy enoughto talk about sage vashisht. at the auspicious time he fixed, rama's footware were declaredto rule the kingdom. the great sage knew that rama waslord vishnu and he was born to eliminate the evil. auspicious time was chosen forthat purpose. lf you teach me again,l'll pull away your beard. you keep saying l'm a muslim. but we have became relativeswhen lord venkatesha (vishnu)
married bibi nancharamma. (a muslim) relatives! my foot.don't make me angry else... your head will be at his feet ifyou say one more word against him. o saint, foundation fortemplewill be laid at the time you fixed. he is coming. hey ram, my lord... where are you barging in? to see rama and to wash hisholy feet with river godavari waters. don't talk nonsense.l won't approve it.
once the installation of idol is donenon-hindus cannot enterthe temple. god doesn't mind it. that's enough. one push andyou will roll down the mountain. stop it. let that great man get in.- then we have to go out. -yes. what is in your stomach? what is in your brain? lt is full of...- shut up. lt is empty. never mind if you are not allowedto go in. the lord came to you. hail lord rama.
great devotees, l herebymake arrangements for... ... all to come here irrespectiveof their caste or religion. as a beginning to that,l orderthe celebration... ... of lord rama and sita's weddingto be conducted in open air. ls this how the dolls marriagecelebrated? l missed your weddingceremony in treteyug. l have also realized that the greatdevotee ramadasu is our gopanna. l could read your mind, hanuman. ln future gopanna will be know assri ramadasu (servant/devotee of rama)
gopanna, your son fellin the ditch and died. my son fell into theditch and fell asleep. you used to work day andnight to build the temple. the construction is completeand my son fell asleep. o son of raghu dynasty,beioved of sita piease be kind to me eise,,, ,,,iife wouid be difficuit for me ,,, kiii the demons andto rescue sita o virtuous rama,,,
,,,i seek your kindness hanuman, save the boy's life.-as you order o lord. mother...- son... lt proves that lord ramais here. lt is all a drama by him tomake this place a holy place... where devotees come to pray totheir god and be blessed. king, our mattebhai came totell you something. tell me, what it is. you appointed gopanna but hisdeeds will empty our coffers.
what is he doing? he is instigating people sayingthat farmers are land owners. he told them to occupyforest lands too. he is issuing legaldocuments of ownership. ln the name of compulsory tax hecollected 6,00,000 coins... ...and built rama templewithout your permission. he has already built it. how did it strike you to chantrama's name while playing? you too keep chanting lord'sname while doing chores.
like father, like son. you installed rama in the temple.he installed you in his heart. he appeared in my dream and namedyou 'ramadasu'(servant of rama). hail sri ramadasu. kamala, rama has blessed me tobe his servant. l'm blessed. why are you here?- for spending government money forthe construction of templethe king ordered foryour arrest. come with us. you will take him only overdead bodies.
stop. you obey me as l'm yourofficer. king is my officer. l've to obey him. kamala, what's this? where am l going?l built the temple for rama. forthat l'm going tokrishna's birth place (jail) take care of my lord rama. conductpujas and prayers at the temple. what wrong has he committedto deserve this? everyone has to go throughwhat is written in theirfate. why did you misuse governmentmoney without my permission? lt is not misused butput to proper use.
didn't you think my permissionwas necessary? l've written to you for itbut there was no reply. any proof for it?- this pantulu. sir, l cannot keep quietnor open my mouth. you have to talk. l advised him to seek yourpermission but he turned it down. he announced that he is the kingand went ahead with the construction. now he says something else. what do you say now?
lf you believe this crook's words,you may punish me. l take it. how dare you say so! l'm telling the truth. everything here will be ruined butmy ram temple will stand forever. the power, luxuries and possessionsare short lived, but not the temple but it will be written in history thatthis temple is built during yourtimes. look at your nephew! stop arguing with elders andaccept your mistake. excuse me. with elders permissionl want to mention elders mistakes.
elders mistakes!!what mistakes? why was taramati palaceand bhagmati palace built? what was the purpose to build a bridgebetween golkonda and bhagyanagar? the romances of your ancestors. you built graves foryour deadrelatives around golkonda. why? what way are they usefulto people? why is peoples money spenton these with whose permission? we never questioned you before. l'm compelled to open my mouthnow because l'm challenged..
when you can build palacesas a token to affairs and... ... can build graves inmemory of dead relatives,... ... what is wrong in buildinga temple for our rama? our lord rama was anobedient son. he was a one woman man. he was an example for brotherhood. he was a just emperor. not just in bhadrachalam butevery village in lndia will have his temple. please understand.stop listening to lies.
come to bhadrachalam.visit the temple and be blessed. keep alive the harmony betweenthe hindus and the muslims. shut up. stop the nonsense. how dare you question meinstead of accepting your mistake? lmprison this arrogant man. torture him severely. mother, l heard that father isimprisoned and being tortured. i don't forget yourname even in my dream why don't you answer to our pieas?
you have saved even thesquirreis before i beiieved in your kindnesstowards your devotees throw chilli powder. you are known for your kindness, piease be kind to usbhadrachaia rama what is the opinion ofthese prisoners, of me? one female inmate said...-what?-you will hit me if l tell you. l won't hit you. tell me.that you... -what? you smell like a dead rat.
but your heart is like a perfume. a male inmate...- speak up. your singing ... - my singing...- sounds like howling of a fox. and you kept quiet! we hit him hard for calling youa fox when you are like an ox. you rogues... what are you doing?-what did you say? you hit us butdon't abuse me in urdu. okay, l won' my arms.
pancakes - say it right.- shut up. l made these as you orderedwith more of salt than flour. afteryou eat these you will go... they are not for me butfor ramdasu. he should cry after eatingthese pancakes and we should laugh. you will.- let us go. some noise is coming from inside. after eating these hewill become quiet. drop it down. o rama, your name isso sweet to chant,
it is sweeter than fruitsbanana and dates sweeter than the sweet rice,and fresh butter stop it. stop it l say. has he become docile now?agreed to say sorry to me? why don't you talk?what is he saying? should we sing and show you?- sing. god, your name is very sweet. shut up. what is happening? l don't know what you do buthe must say sorry to me.
okay o king.l'll make him say sorry. l'll break your bones. are you mattesaab?- no, why? you looked like him. are you matte?-no. - then who is he? hey, who are you? - how can you beso rude to new inmates? forget it and tell us what crimehave you committed to come here. l brought her out andwiped her dry. l'll kill you. how can yoube punished for saying a life? you... -what will you doif you find mattesab?
l'll thrash him like we washclothes. - then? - dry him. here is the knife andhe is mattesab. do it. mattesab is a nice man.his 3rd wife is a nice lady too. me too. gopanna you knew thatwhoever marries kamala is destined to go to prison. yet you dared to marry don't deserve this. he dared many hardshipsto build rama temple. piease taik at ieast now, who eise can save meother than you?
it costed me 10,000 goid coins, i got a brooch made for lakshmanwhich costed another 10,000 or your father-in-iaw king janaka whose grandfather's propertydo you think it is, to,,, ,,, enjoy this grandeur? her husband is in jail and she isenjoying 3 meals a day and sleep! they claim they are devotees. she crosses river godavarito offer prayers daily. who knows what she does?
you add to others suffering? l'll peel off your skinif l get angry. she only screamed at you.but you know what l do. get inside. you look better behind barsthan in the government office. shut up.- oh, ex-revenue officer's wife! l beg of you to let memeet my husband once. to see the mam who made the mistakeof building tbe temple? go see husband... you may leave now.
this is unfair. you knowhim well. get him released. we have 2 kings. one is tanisha,who rules the kingdom. we are worthless in front of them. l cannot take it anymore. l'll go to the king andqueen to beg foryour life. mother sita,teii him to save me, o gem of a woman,teii him to save me, daughter of king janak,teii him to save me, lord of bhadragiri, who ispraised by goddess parvati,,,
,,, when wakes up from sieep,piease teii him to save me o mother sita,,, sita, there were no tears when youwere asked to enterthe fire in lanka. nor, when you were sent off to thejungle when you were pregnant. then why are there tearsin your eyes now? everyone says you protectthose who seek protection. then why are you takingso long to save ramadasu. o allah you are gracious. who are you? - my name is ramoji.- l'm lakshmoji.
how did you come in? you uttered allah (god)here we are. what!! who are you? we are servants of ramadasuwhom you have imprisoned. a man who swallowed governmentmoney has servants too! great! he has not swallowed it buthas built a temple with it. lakshmoji, l told youto control anger. he is...- enough. tell me why are you here? we came to release him.
there are 6,00,000 coins.count them and issue us a receipt. wife... look there!- o god! hundreds of guards are on duty.closed doors are intact. l wonder how theyentered and gone out! l cannot say it'sa dream because here are the bags ofmoney they gave. these are not just gold coinsbut are rama madas (ancient medals) 100 times more valuablethan our coins. yes. these were the currencyused during sri rama's rule.
god, l don't knowwhetherto believe it or not!! hey, ram, my god... one cannot understandthe acts of sriram easily. they came dazzling inthe midnight. who do you think that ramoji andlakshmoji who gave you the gold? they, in fact, are ramaand lakshman of lla dynasty. they appeared to us!!we are so fortunate!! ln deed, you are.but sinners are some others. ltching...scratch mescratch me...
what is happening? they defamed a great devoteebecause of arrogance and authority. now, they are paying for it. pray to ram and youwill be alright. hail sri ram ltching is gone. my burning feeling is gone too. our ramdasu is going to bereleased soon. yes. but...- but... what?
actual story is going tobegin from here. but we won't be here to witness it. we have to go to the placewhere we are supposed to be. ramadasji, we have committeda mistake by troubling a great devotee like you. our eyes are opened by theappearance of rama. please forgive us and acceptthese gifts, lands and.. ... the post of revenue officer. let us carry you personally,in this palanquin to bhadrachalam.
let us recompenseforthe sins we committed. you are not sinners. you areblessed ones as you could see rama. l'm the sinner.that's why l couldn't see him. l don't want your services,gifts and lands. l'm sorry. he is begging you to accept them.don't refuse, dear. the god appeared to him and provedthey both are of equal status. l'm only his devotee.aworthless man. we are there foryou.please obey us. stay in our house at leasttill the wounds heal. come.
you can see only myphysical injuries. my heart is broken for notbeing able to see rama. how will it heal? they heal only with my death. mother sita chose to bury herselfwhen separated from rama. that will be my fate toolf l cannot see rama. l must know today itself whetherrama blesses me with his appearance. is beiieving in you,buiiding your tempie,,,, or writing your name a crore times,are my crimes?
why are you not kind to me?why have you not appeared to me? kamala, look at shabari. she first tastes fruitsthen offers them to rama. have i asked you foryour kingdom in my name? but you won't come,why don't you be kind to me? kamala, he blessed all thesquirrels just for dropping sand. but l built a temple.why is he neglecting me? o son of raghuvansh,who eiiminated the demons, piease be kind husband, what are you doing!
rama is not coming to meno matter how much l beg. so, l'll go to him instead. now l understood where he is. yes, look there. during rama's coronation,sita gave hanuman a pearls necklace. he bit in to them to see if ramais in them. he threw it away when hedidn't find rama in them. sita got angry. asked him toprove if rama is in his heart. hanuman tore open his heartand showed her rama in it.
lsn't it?-yes. what does it mean?lt means lord rama resides... that lord is .. in my heart! yes. he himself named you ramdas. where else can he be otherthanin his devotees hearts? husband... no... let me go... let me cut openmy heart to see if he is there. leave me.- husband .. have you come along withthe mother of universe to see me!!
he has come here on the day you decidedto build the temple to witness it. really, o my lord... yes, l'm built a temple for me. provided daily prayers for us. even hanuman praised you foryour unmatched devotion. look there. for eternity, countless numberof devotees, sages had yearned for and done penance... ... to attain salvation and toget to heaven.
l'll send you both there alive. what is salvation, o lord? everlasting joy. what is there?- nothing but pure joy. you mean, worship you, pray andsinging your praises... .. reading your holy story etc.can be done there. no, no such things exist there. there is no needfor all that there. one gets there for doingall that here, on earth.
what sort of a world is that!!happiness means, chanting your name. happiness means,singing in praise of you,... happiness is serving you. and writing your namemillions of times. without all these, how can thatbe a happy world? forgive me. l don't want it. let our souls remainin bhadrachalam. let us witness the devoteeswho come to see you. we preferthis than salvation.
you are the first people in the histroy ofdevotees who turned down salvation. you are great. l will make this place aplace for salvation (moksha) as a proof of that, here,l'll be known as moksharama and... vaikuntarama' sincel dwell in your soul (aatma) l'll also be called aatmarama. may this bhadrachalabecome a great holy place. may all those who visitthis place attain salvation. hail sriram.