Friday, January 27, 2017

herbal medicine respiratory tract infection who have severe


coming up next on being well we'll betalking respiratory infections such as influenza bronchitis and pneumonia our guest is doctor sheilah bakermedical director at the eastern illinois university health service doctor baker will be here to talk aboutprevention treatment options and more that's just ahead on being well feltdon't go away doctor baker sheila thank you for coming ashore talkingabout respiratory infections yes how do we get them in the first place 'causesomething we've all had at one time or

another yes we all have happens if terryinfections in and we can't respiratory infections by transmission well how do these these organisms and art how easy organisms able to betransmitted early about three ways aerosol high-cost i sneeze droplets of the drops fall ontosomething

or direct he into him contact withsomeone his already infected okay so respiratoryindicates that it's where the infections occurring is prettyobvious that well there's the large term respiratory tract infections interestedretract uh... involves the organs are areas ofthe body that helped us to bring oxygen into thebody and help us to remove carbon dioxidefrom the body uh... win the upper respiratory area we

we think of the nose sinuses throat larynx trachea in the bronco lower respiratory tract infections refer to the lung tissue belongs and those infections we commonly call pneumonia ok so arvo it sounds like thelower respiratory infections can actually feel more severe

hello respiratory tract infections areusually more severe because it's impairing oxygen transmission so begin we can't uh... bring oxygen into the body that'sgoing to be more the more serious and many times those infections arecaused by bacteria in many cases can be more serious okay that was my next question thereseems to be some confusion over what's a bacterial infection

and what's a viral infection can youclear that up well i thought yes i certainly can'tlet's let's back up than the g_r_e_ of respiratory tractinfections are president retracted that which would be cold the most common ailment that we all that we all are and experience is the common called yes and thatgenerally affects the uh... uh... respiratory area so

the renos the back of the throat the bronco one okay and that's more common and usually less serious in the self limited infection okayed sobanker interrupted a suspect letters bacterial versus viral thing bacteria

and buyers are different organisms theylook different and they respond differently bacteria have material capsules genetic at material that we can actually medications for king that then we can kill

stop the back of the bacteria from from multiplying or actually kill thebacteria viruses are generally smaller organisms they don't have as much uh... genetic material on their own theycan survive this well on there and so it's not shore difficult for usto uh... produce or find treatmentsmedications the watch lead killed were stopped the virus again there are few antiviralmedications

but they don't kill viruses like antibiotics can kill bacteria sothings like that flew bryant congress cole pulsar fire all correct it's been majority image of cold seasonare caused by viruses over ninety percent of colds are caused by viruses bronchitis is almost always a viralinfection is well less than ten percent

of bronchitis is caused which kinda brings up that then why do we put prescribe antibioticsfor something that's generally viral and we really shouldn't rand people relation ask for antibiotics influenza you've mentioned that is itkind of its unspecific virus uh... influenza a virus is a very serious infection

it uh... runs through it uh... the worldevery year generally in and the northern hemisphere him thespirit in the colder in the colder months they can cause a lot of problems and weactually do have prevention for them the flu vaccine and we do have some anti flew medicationbread for that as well okay so if u

taking an antibiotic for virus is not going to do you cannot guaranteeany good and in and we have studies that show that it never shortens the transmissionand never lessens the symptoms it does not help venue tended to have the problem of anti antibiotic resistant which creates awhole other set of not exactly uh... in the last two three decadeswe've seen antibiotics that were

commonly used to treat and we're very effectiveagainst bacterial infections now becoming ineffective because bacteria learn how to becomeresistant and then those factory can actually share that information withother so it's a huge problem we now have fewer helpful

or affected uh... airbags when we actually need them for specific pectoral implants and afrightening it's a very very dear should be veryfrightening uh... however most people believe aresick itis when a pill to make me feel betterand then we know the air bags can be so effectivebacteria we kind of hope that had to help for those commonailment sort of ireland passions so

if you're suffering from a slut faqabout the flu also start with a cold effect blunders that typically take to get overa cold and one at what point do you go i've gotsomething more serious a common cold uh... usually lasts one totwo weeks in magazines like an eternity cds yes when your nose is plugged upwhen you're when you're coughing you got a low-grade fever seems like forever they last for one to two weeks it'sgonna be self limited you can take medications to help with symptoms

it's going to end eventually that virusdoesn't have a longer life span skin and dying out you're gonna get better and rats are never indicated for thefirst ten days or so of of the a common however bacteria can superimpose infections orbecome secondary infections and at times uh... with me providers you know uh... history and physical

writer may at times determinative abacterial infection is now is not present infection this localized in constant earinfection uh... localized sinus pain has no meansthe county into the sinuses and those are taken infections then would be candidates for so generally leaped of coal

or the upper respiratory tract infection run its course i develop some secondary that symptoms ear pain sinus pain or maybe i developeda secondary fever but i hadn't had a fever for several days those would be reasons for you to seek it professional uh... professional opinion

and see if maybe in a better indicated and also at times especially forchildren young people we might do some specifictesting bulger's rapid tests to see if bacteria's actually press ok bronchitis who is that typically the same amount of time if yousee it over kind of that week to ten days are influenza and bailey white'speople out an influenza can cause much

more severe sentence so so the the mild to moderate tiredness fatigue is really more moderate to severe people complain but they're still workerstill directive is that the cold people are in bed with the flu and it can still last one to two weeksbut the symptoms are much worse and then people with influenza actually do run

have more of a risk of getting like asecondary pneumonia impinging obviously is a lot to more severe required moretreats those some of these things can start off as something simple and thenjacqueline kennedy to other facts exactly okay it really just depends onyou how sick you are your immune system what else you get exposed to what you'resick that's right so let's talk aboutsomething or more severe enough to know yet what how do you know a few have that well some of that tell tells symptomspneumonia shortness of breath

i can't catch my breath the constant cough and many times none yet will feellocalized you'll have a specific pain when i breathe in when i cough it's notthat foreigners from all those muscles if coughing and and things such as that it's really a specific and people find that you know what withthe cold i'd may feel by taking a brief as my nose is cloggedbut now i can't walked down the hall i can go up theflight of stairs to really

can't catch my breath constant coughing and some pain because we think that isnumber one you know what exactly is that is that fluid in your amongst well because ofthe infection yesterday infection with the bacteria viruses there all these different factors that goingto try to clear up the longest and started det take up space in you get inflammationcity airways are now narrowed you've got mucus production

and it really then just kind of blocksoftware shuts down uh... a portion of the line art ever question i think frank strep throat is that fall into this respiratory infectionsstill isn't half it because it's a throat with a you know what fair inchina sport tonsillitis and it is uh... we see uh... in the tonsils more common inchildren

and fortunately we do have the rapidtests in pro culture switchers fairly inexpensive but can help us todiagnosing and there's also the some strips scoresthat we can use their doctors as to specific set of questions to see if itkind of rules in uh... bacterial strep infectionverses rules that out more common okay and those infection should be treated with sampanna strappy isn bacterial strep throat group a baking lytic step is aspecific bacteria

affects the tonsils and it really the importance for that although we think it is the throat painissue has to do with the fact that it can cause secondarycomplications of a heart kidnap activity what about mono it wouldn't matter and i think model is the collegestudents here and d'amato is also uh... it falls into the respiratory i tractinfection

uh... category however it causes other symptoms as wellso yes at people who come down with thisinfection will have the cold symptoms usually a pretty serious sore throat if they have tonsils widget it is morecommon with those with tonsils baton savimbi large and she did this to me possum you can't come in there that have trouble swallowing butalso it affects the lymph system the

lymphatic system ok are delaney and gasyou have really so we'll have a large swollen glands that debt we notice inart next possitive think that they can can enlarge anywhere in the body takenalso affect the spleen and liver so it has complications that make it important just like strep designate him back to what is that more he saidhere you know you know medical director here at least answer your client alarare college students why is that more prevalent in

how did that age and younger and whydumb people are each get it as much well probably immune system issues and i haveto lifestyle issues so people know i don't know every reason why college students tend to get mono we do knowthough it's more common in adolescents and young adults as opposed to either other it econ theother end of the spectrum but probably because they share things students on a on a college campus forexample they share the same living space

learning space plane space they do everything togetherwill suddenly then taking sipped at the same glass ripleyin both all of our hands in the same popcorn bowl and we just in the past the secretionsaround and then you know maybe there aren't enough restthey're not beating as well as they as they should and suddenly like i said it seems like it likes andcausing so why can't belmont likes

college to let the friend of thecoliseum uh... and we just we see a lot of and i mean ithink you know in school-age kids use the you know but for few students get flu etc ittends to go around i mean there there best schools that have closed downbecause if you make it yes once sold once if it hits i guess everybody knowsit's coming were all toast we're all going to have a fun thing to seebunkered down a bit late for insecure identification pass so a lot of these respiratory infectionsfor people who were you know sort of in

the middle age group relatively healthy we can get over itbut certain populations the very young the very old this can be really severe talk about an issue called our citywhich is something that young children get and what is that why is that such aconcern for parents well likely dougherty said bacterial infections typically are more severe but couple viruses tend to have it

to be very notable for for the diseasein their problems they can cost and r s v is just an abbreviation for a virals virus called respiratory sensationalviruses this virus can cause almost asthma like symptoms in a very short period of time inning young mc children htl in younger and a very youngpremature infants

so very serious rest betrayed faction yes the rest of us can get it that our immune systems were developedthe way we can now respond infection the way our immune system is developed makesit the west of a serious infection but can cause it but we would call bronchiolitis the entire bronchialsystem is infected lots of mucus coughingwheezing surreal serious infection enforcing because buyers there is noantibiotics so it's just supportive caring you've got children who camporee

they don't know how to clear their lungs you know they don't know how to blowtheir nose it's a really serious infection and canactually cause complications for months two years later in youngchildren okay and africa bout the elderlypopulation because you do hear of people died from pneumonia yall uh... on average somewhere between thirty six to fortythousand people died every year in the unitedstates from influenza in academic years

or years gritty the shift for the change of the virusdidn't quite match the vaccine we can have even more deaths our immune systems play a big role inthat so as we get older just like us were young our immune systems are lessable to help us out and then unfortunately as we age wedon't just hammering is this is a deal with wedevelop other conditions in diabetes heart disease wong disease uh... c_e_o_ p_d_

obviously kidney disease liver diseaseand all of those things make it lasts likely for us to be able to fight offinfections and so that of the virus affects us but then we may even get a secondaryinfection alka so we're not necessarily well everyoneyou're gonna get a call this year there are a cold or flu whenever there aresome preventative things that we can do to hopefully stave off some of this

what are some easy things that we can domake sure we're not hopefully not getting uh... sick the best thing to do is to take care ofyour self uh... get proper nutrition proper exercise proper rest walsh your handsome before and aftercontact with other people to get wash your hands use hand sanitizer

don't as share things with other peopledon't share emu cancels drinking utensils don't use the bathroom items that might accumulated body fluids and things thatis that avoid contact you see somebody ill tell your friends are meeting for a paraedba for dinner no weaker tube employed contact with hill people what i think iwork placing outlast as you know i've got to be here i've got to get thistunnel police me the rest of us would like for you tostay home if i can see a couple of

public service and i think i think therest of us don't want to ask stay-at-home you don't hear a w e i youknow you know there's twenty of us boy it it does go around because we do we share a lot of the same workspacecomputers reduced in close contact that planningyou know in the old days we paid with cash but nowadays we all use thesame token adweek as reacts liner little our our little credit nevin hardin anall-day shopping venues and things well there is another way to preventthings like fluid and that is to put the shots and i have agreed i have not gotmy first time and sheila has agreed

to give me a flu shot sampling troubledabout it that uh... specifically uh... the flu shot is actually available and is recommended all americans wester six months of age or altering every dear the c_d_c_ casey i p the advisorycommittee on immunization practices recommends that all americans

get a flu shot every year because viruses change andshift you're never going to develop in unitycarefree fluidized so get it every there are few people who might not be a that indicated to get that like i said if you're younger than sixmonths also if you have some severe egg allergies although now that's even beingdisputed and them

and then in a few people have hadconditions like dionne parade which is a very rare and kind of her and neuromuscular condition theyshouldn't get it back to the rest of us we should all get a flu shot al que well we've got some supplies serious ready okso were on an intensive ok it might hit there is a higher standard of living outof the uh... fifty container the efforts are sharpcontainer so that we don't have

have any needle sticks everyday process and i'm gonna show that it reallydoesn't hurt a fly you know it's it's pretty painless i'm sure you're gonna dofind thank you before we give anyone a flu shot we dohave them read the vaccine information decided beforehand which i am i think ican attest that lorena added did her homework and she has to sign a consentstating that we've talked about uh... any contraindications and that sheagrees to that and she said that as well uh... and now i'm going to get all mylittle supplies here tank unit already expect

the nurses and health service were somenice to get this already forest today something universes teeny thank you for getting this readyfor a student and to make it this friday morning giveor your flu shot and she's going to be safe from the flu you do have sometimesa little bit are paying it's not that bad i mean the themajority of us so feel a little a key r and many times that work for the camerawhen you do this in your left over many many times what to do it in yourdominant arnold has that uh... you're getting is that i have alittle bit more

capetown and i'm gonna work it didn't hurt but that way experimental r_h_ if you will be in their parent this is the first on our show there yougo so we'll just have to come every yearnow alexei that lori kits for flu shot

so she is happy healthy safe person and there are other shots thatcomino protest this is one when you drive guys while greens are on the you know thatpharmacies are signs that the protest suspects will take off after eighty-four actually now for everyone impressedchildren need to get that they're initial series againstwhooping cough

it's included in the vaccine called toduty tito criteria tetanus and uh... protested movement but now becausewe have found that protests is uh... tigers weighing in our system americans when she turned nineteen your age sixtyfive shirley's tab one booster of a vaccine called t dap who has now get not to start tetanus shots that weare supposedly every ten years but in

includes now pertussis again so that wewill convinced that immunity so that hopefully we can kind of stop thisepidemic at the pink off it's going to appease whooping cough viral orbacterial uh... whooping cough is better up excesspre severe and again it's one of those infectionsthat is worsen young people and children uh... that can cause id cancause coughing for a long period time in adults as well uh... old name for was the hundredth daycall alkaline point i want that milk we don't needthat

well doctor baker thank you so much forcoming up next on sharing this information for gaming necklace at so i hopefully won'tbe sick is now com alright mumbai takes you on

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